What is the Best Month to Rent an Apartment?

A couple visits the apartment to ask the real estate agent if what is the best month to rent an apartment.

Timing is crucial when it comes to the rental market. Prices can fluctuate during high-demand and low-demand seasons. Luckily, GIL can guide the way with our expert guide to the rental market’s seasonal trends. Read on to discover the best times and months to rent an apartment.

Understanding Seasonal Trends

Rental prices can vary based on the time of year due to several factors, including shifting seasonal supply and demand. Understanding these fluctuations can help you plan your move strategically and save you some money.

High-Demand Seasons

The high-demand periods usually coincide with the spring and summer months (May to August), as well as the fall months (September to November). The summer months see a surge in demand as many people prefer to move in warmer weather. Plus, families with young children often aim to move before the school year begins. While not as busy, the fall can still see a relatively high demand due to students moving to university.

Low-Demand Seasons

The low-demand periods usually occur during the winter months (December to February). These colder months, coupled with the holiday season, generally result in fewer people looking to move. Moving during the winter can also be inconvenient due to the weather, which leads to a decrease in demand.

Best Times for More Options

The availability of apartments can fluctuate throughout the year, with certain periods offering more options for renters. But which months offer the most options?

The summer months are typically when you’ll find the highest availability of apartments, partly due to a flurry of moving activity, leading to a higher number of vacancies. Here are the pros and cons of renting during this period:


  • Greater selection: With more apartments available, you have a broader range of options to choose from.
  • Competitive offers: Landlords may offer incentives due to their awareness of the high competition, such as reduced deposits, free utilities for a certain period, or more flexible lease terms.
  • Easier moving conditions: Moving during the summer is generally easier and safer due to favourable weather conditions.


  • Higher prices: The high demand during this period often leads to increased rental prices.
  • Fast-paced market: With so many people looking for apartments, the rental market can be extremely competitive. You may have to act quickly, and this can be stressful.
  • Moving costs: Due to the high demand for moving services, the cost of hiring movers or renting moving trucks may be higher as well.

Best Time for Lower Prices

If, on the other hand, you’re looking to save on rent, the winter months are more favourable. Rental prices often drop during periods of lower demand, providing opportunities to secure a rental at a lower cost. Here are the pros and cons of renting during this period:


  • Lower rental prices: With fewer people looking to move, landlords may lower prices to attract tenants.
  • Less competition: With fewer renters looking for apartments, you’re less likely to face competition for good units.
  • Negotiation opportunities: In a slow market, landlords may be more willing to negotiate lease terms.


  • Limited availability: Fewer people moving means there are fewer apartments available on the market.
  • Weather-related challenges: Moving during the winter can be challenging due to the colder weather, snow, and ice.
  • Holiday disruptions: Organizing a move during the holiday period can be difficult, as many moving companies and services may have limited availability.

Ready to plan your move and find the perfect rental? GIL can help! Contact us today to get started!